UN-SCAN-IT gel 6.3 updated

UN-SCAN-IT Gel turns your scanner into a high speed digitizer/densitometer system that converts scanned graphs and gels into digital data. UN-SCAN-IT gel works with any full page or hand scanner to automatically determine (x,y) point locations, peak...


Smile updated

Smile is a data visualization and automation software for Mac OS X. Its plotting interface makes easier to plot data by importing files, specifying intermediate computations and access display settings, all in the same interface. You can also work by...


Cartographica 1.4.9 updated

Explore and refine data, create beautiful maps, export information for the web using Google Maps and Google Earth (via our KML Export capabilities). Merge data from several sources. Get local data from your government in CSV Latitude and...


LensForge 1.5

LensForge is the premier lens design program for Mac OS X. It is a tool for professional and amateur lens designers, experimental physicists, telescope makers, and others.What is new in this release: Bug fixes: Surface colors would not...

BlastStation is an interface program that makes BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) searches faster and easier to use. BlastStation performs NCBI BLAST searches more than 10x faster than the regular sequential NCBI BLAST searches, with the...


NoeClone 2.03

NoeClone, your virtual cloning laboratory. NoeClone provides a knowledge-enhanced and comprehensive solution for virtual cloning, gel simulation, plasmid map drawing and sequence analysis. NoeClone transforms the complex molecular cloning process into a...


CrystalMaker 9.2.9 updated

CrystalMaker is a program for building, displaying and manipulating all kinds of crystal and molecular structures. Spectacular, photo-realistic models are just one drag-and-drop away. CrystalMaker can auto-detect major file formats and generate structures...



Simgua is a powerful modeling tool similar to VenSim or STELLA that can solve complex simulation problems with surprising ease. Simgua's foundation is an intuitive flow and stock principle. Stocks - or reservoirs - of some material are connected by a...


MacVector 17.5 updated

MacVector is a comprehensive Macintosh application that provides sequence editing, primer design, internet database searching, protein analysis, sequence confirmation, multiple sequence alignment, phylogenetic reconstruction, coding region...