If you hate organizing your gaming tournaments via Clanbase's deprecated interface and Xfire's laggy Battleground websites, then it's time to take a look at Tournamatch, a self-hosted script for such affairs. Tournamatch was developed by gamers and...

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jquery-ui-rails 5.0.5 updated

It delivers the jQuery UI 1.11.4 assets for the Rails 3.1+ asset pipeline.The module allows to have all the jQuery UI assets right in the Rails core.This means the developer won't need to download them via the jQuery UI interface, because he already has...

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Code Effects

Code Effects updated

Th control adds a graphical web interface, where users can create application rules by selecting options from a series of drop-down menus.Implemented as a single self-contained .NET assembly less than 500Kb in size.What is new in this release:Fixes the...

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Nut 0.4.2

Nut is for developers tired of the complicated way DOM elements are selected with vanilla JavaScript syntax.It is also useful when loading jQuery just to perform trivial tasks and selections is just way too over the top. Nut provides a much smaller...

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Django WP Admin

Django WP Admin 1.7.4 updated

All Django installations comes with an administration module for easily managing the framework's structure and content.While this module can be very helpful, it's terribly ugly and slow.Django WP Admin makes some changes to the default Django...

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PDFKit 0.7.1

PDFKit can be used to create multi-page, printable, complex PDF files, without the aid of a desktop software, just from pure JavaScript code.By default, it comes written in pure CoffeeScript, but the API is written in standard JavaScript.Currently it can...

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Flask-Admin 1.3.0 updated

Flask is a micro-framework for Python based on Werkzeug and Jinja 2. Flask-Admin was inspired by Django's recently released admin module that allows developers to manage framework data, behavior and architecture via a visual interface. Flask-Admin...

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Flask-Bootstrap updated

Flask is a micro-framework for Python based on Werkzeug and Jinja 2.Bootstrap is a powerful framework developed for easily prototyping Web UI layouts.This extension's version number is synced with Bootstrap version number.What is new in this...

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South 1.0.2

Its main objectives is to provide a simple, stable and database-independent migration layer.It has an automatic schema generation (syncdb) that must be run at least once on every Django project. South can tell if a migration has been left out or not and...

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wagtailnews 0.2.2

wagtailnews adds the support needed for Wagtail to work as a classic blogging platform.While the CMS is quite a high-end, elite product developed to be used in multiple environments and for a wide range of project requirements, it has no support for...

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