
DBPool 5.0

DBPool is a Java-based database connection pooling utility, supporting time-based expiry, statement caching, connection validation, and easy configuration using a pool manager. To ensure good application response time for each client, the application...

JDBReport - application for quick generating and printing reports. Includes designer, generator and viewer of reports. JDBReport Designer can help you quickly create the required report, generate and print it or export to another format (HTML, Open...

The JDBReport is used for generation, viewing and a print of reports. The JDBReport runs on any platform, because it is written in Java. It can work as a standalone application or be embedded into Java application by API interface. Reports can be...

Java Launcher run Java applications and applets by double-clicking class files; view class source codes and class hierarchies in graphic format by right-clicking; display contents of jar and zip files without extracting them by right-clicking and allow to...

MakeInstall creates an INSTALL.EXE for your Java program, with full install and uninstall support. It features install or uninstall, ultra small install EXE overhead, supports installing and uninstalling ActiveX DLLs, and your EXE can hook into the...

Extasys is a TCP/UDP socket library for Java, Mono and Microsoft .NET Framework. The power of this socket is the asynchronous data processing that offers. If you are using sockets then Extasys is the proper tool for your work because we designed this...

DocFlex/Doclet is a template-driven multi-format Javadoc Doclet. It is a freeware edition of DocFlex/Javadoc -- a programming tool for rapid development of Javadoc-based Java API documentation generators in various output formats (currently:...

The supported API's include Registry management (read/write), Launching files, Common dialogues, Kill tasks, Capture keystrokes (System or application wide), all from Java. Note: This includes the IE controller...

Get screen images and send across the network for display on a partner client. Included is a basic (text) chat application. This is an excellent primer in networking since it uses server sockets, client sockets, and various I-O methods to send...