
Kiwi.JS 1.4.0 updated

Kiwi.JS is one of the best alternatives to moving away from Flash game development right now. This small JavaScript framework embraces the new HTML 5 standard and grants developers access to a wide range of features and tools that simplify the process of...

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Reti Chess

Reti Chess 0.4.1 updated

Reti Chess allows anyone to run their very own multiplayer chess game on their own Node.js server, playing with their friends or relatives.Reti Chess works and plays like a real chess game, feature supported by the chess.js JavaScript library that allows...

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Babylon.js 2.3 updated

Babylon.js is an all-around solution for producing beautiful 3D environments in your browser using WebGL. It is a full HTML5 game engine, coming packed with all the specific tools, ranging from scene management to a collisions system, from a built-in...

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Phaser 2.4.4 updated

Phaser is a modern game development framework created to help out game programmers build fast and efficient browser games. The project uses the Pixi.js WebGL and canvas rendering engine to actually plot out the game graphics and also comes with support...

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BF3Conn 0.91 Beta

BF3Conn provides the basic tools to connect and then run basic commands on a BF3 server.The class allows developers to create controls that can broadcast various text messages, kick players, ban or unban players, and add or remove players to reserved...

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PHP RCon 2.0

PHP RCon is works with any server supporting the RCON management protocol.It abstracts common remote server commands to a visual GUI, protected by a username & password authentication model.This allows commands to be quickly executed fairly quickly,...

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VSP Stats

VSP Stats 0.475

It basically parses multiplayer game log files, records details to a database and presents it nicely to users and gamers.If errors are popping in the resulted pages, update ADOdb to the most recent version.Supported games:Call Of Duty 1 & Call ofDuty:...

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LOVE 0.9.2

Built on a powerful API, LÖVE can seriously give developers a leg up on their competition by providing a set of ready-made methods and functions for quickly assembling their 2D games.The LÖVE game engine includes support for controlling and...

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Starling 1.7 updated

Starling is a very complex and advanced tool on which professional Flash games can be created on.Starling is actually the game engine on which the widely successful Angry Birds game has been coded (the Flash version).The engine focuses mainly on...

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Following the success of World of Tanks, ezStats is now available for this game also, allowing clan administrators to setup a Web-based leaderdoard and statistics system for clan members or personal friends.ezStats for World of Tanks will pull data from...

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