sphinxcontrib-proceduralimage adds the proceduralimage directive to Sphinx.It allows a python code snippet to be supplied, that generates an image, that will be included in the documentation.It adds a single directive, proceduralimage. It takes a block of...

sphinxjp.themes.dotted is a dotted style theme for Sphinx.Set upMake environment with easy_install: easy_install sphinxjp.themes.dottedConvert Usagesetup conf.py with:extensions = ['sphinxjp.themecore']html_theme = 'dotted'and run:make...

sphinxcontrib-sqltable is a Sphinx extension that contains sphinxcontrb.sqltable, an extension to Sphinx to allow authors to embed SQL statements in source documents and produce tabular output in rendered documents.Refer to the main documentation page for...

sphinxcontrib-gtkwave is a Sphinx extension that executes GTKWave during the build step and includes its screenshot into the documentation. GTKWave can display wave files like VCD.Links:- Home: https://github.com/ponty/sphinxcontrib-gtkwave-...

sphinxcontrib-spelling is a Sphinx package that contains sphinxcontrb.spelling, a spelling checker for Sphinx-based documentation. It uses PyEnchant to produce a report showing misspelled words.Installation: 1. Follow the instructions on the...

sphinxcontrib-programoutput is a Sphinx extension that executes programs during the build step and includes their output into the documentation. It supports the sphinxcontrib-ansi extension to turn colored output of programs in pretty-formatted...

GNU Source-highlight produces a document with syntax highlighting when given a source file. Source-highlight reads source language specifications dynamically, thus it can be easily extended (without recompiling the sources) for handling new languages.GNU...

sphinxcontrib-blockdiag is a Python module that contains the blockdiag Sphinx extension.This extension enable you to insert block diagrams in your Sphinx document. Following code is sample:.. blockdiag:: diagram { A -> B -> C; B ->...


doclifter 2.15

doclifter is a command-line software for GNU/Linux operating systems, created for users who want to transcode man, ms, mandoc, me, as well as mm files to the XML-DocBook document format. The application is open source and freely downloadable on any Linux...

sphinxcontrib-epydoc is a Sphinx extension to cross-reference epydoc-generated documentation.InstallationThis extension can be installed from the Python Package Index:pip install sphinx-contrib.epydocAlternatively, you can clone the sphinx-contrib...