
wepp 0.8.0

A pre-processor is a tool that manipulates code/files before delivering them to the client.wepp is actually a mash-up of various web technologies like less.js, cssmin.js and UglifyJS.It works on top of fQuery and will convert LESS files to...


Mammouth 2.0.1

Mammouth works via Node.js or the browser and produces code that can run on any PHP server.Just like CoffeeScript, Mammouth's main role is to simplify code writing by providing a simplified syntax that looks like the original code but it's much more...

Assets-packager combines various already-known utilities to provide a more powerful solution for modern, performance-based Web development.In layman's terms, it merges, compiles (when necessary), pre-processes and compresses assets like CSS, JavaScript...


Rock 0.9.9

The ooc language was originally implemented in Java.After many builds, the old ooc compiler written in Java was replaced with this enhanced version called Rock.It has been bootstrapping since 2010-04-22 under Gentoo, Ubuntu, Arch Linux, Win32, OSX.What is...


scssphp 0.4.0 updated

By default, SCSS (SASS) code is compiled in Ruby, and many libraries that work with SCSS (SASS) rely on Ruby to do so. This PHP library provides a way to compile SCSS (SASS) source to normal CSS using a normal PHP engine. The library wraps around SCSS...


ToffeeScript 1.6.3-4

CoffeeScript is a programming language that compiles it's own syntax into running JavaScript code. It's aim is to simplify writing JavaScript applications and reduce errors while writing new code.ToffeeScript was created to improve the core features found...


RubyCocoa 1.2.0

Objective-C is a general-purpose, high-level, object-oriented programming language, the main force behind Apple's iOS and Mac operating systems.RubyCocoa allows programmers to develop Apple software using mainly Ruby code.Since a high degree of...

Django Gears

Django Gears 0.7.1

Django is a high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.Gears is a Python tool for merging and compressing client-side assets like CSS and JavaScript.This projects merges the two, providing a module for...


mkr 0.9.0 updated

mkr works via the Node.js CLI and a mkrfile.js config (target) file.Developers write their configurations inside the mkrfile.js file, where they add the commands and operations they want to execute, along with the "target", a trigger for starting the...