TurtleScript is a complex system which uses graphic user indicators for representing and executing at the same time JavaScript commands and routines.TurtleScript is a great learning environment.It is also a good tool for representing JavaScript code...


Weber 1.0.6

Weber can compile, merge and compress various scripts and stylesheets before sending them to the client's browser.This speeds up the loading process for that app/website, and helps the developer deliver faster products, optimized for today's...


wepp 0.8.0

A pre-processor is a tool that manipulates code/files before delivering them to the client.wepp is actually a mash-up of various web technologies like less.js, cssmin.js and UglifyJS.It works on top of fQuery and will convert LESS files to...


yst updated

It parses a predefined directory structure for template and content files and renders an HTML static site out of it, ready to be deployed online. The content files can be in YAML or CSV (from an SLitte 3 database) format.This approach combines the speed,...