
SuiteCRM 7.5.3 updated

SuiteCRM is a PHP CRM forked from the hugely popular SugarCRM. SugarCRM users can easily migrate to SuiteCRM, from both SugarCRM versions, Professional and Community. Just like the original CRM, SuiteCRM can be immediately deployed and used in production...


jQuery.dotdotdot 1.8.0 updated

The ellipsis (three dots, ... ) signifies the presence of more text, and allows large text blocks to fit in small containers. jQuery.dotdotdot simplifies the process of adding this type of indicator inside text and replace long paragraphs with small...


SimpleStore 1.5.0

SimpleStore was built using the Skeleton CSS framework and the simpleCart(js) JavaScript-based client-side shopping cart solution. There's no backend with SimpleStore. Developers only have to edit a few HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. Because of this,...


SugarCRM 6.5.23 updated

SugarCRM is written in a simple, popular programming language (PHP) that can be customized in an instant.The CRM provides point-and-click capabilities for user interface customization, but for developers who want more customizations, there is...

Open Classifieds

Open Classifieds 2.7.0 / updated

Open Classifieds is a simple classified ads system coded on top of the Kohana PHP framework. It is easy to deploy with the help of a simple installer, comes with an administration panel that greatly simplifies managing its content, and is also packed...


Shopware 5.1.3 updated

Also provided as a complete VMWare package for interested users.Features: Modules Admin panel Ext JS-powered backend Graphic installer Documentation WYSIWYG editing Store management features Users management Content management Statistics and...